Thursday, April 6, 2017

Social Commentary Poetry

American Idol

Rock Star
An oxymoron
Crowds cheer
Rock on
Rock on
The Grateful are Dead
Children aspire
To catch the fire
“When I grow up I want to be a "Rock Star”
They don’t know they can’t have both
A high price to pay for
No lasting relationships
Recreational drugs
Once vices
Now habits
On the Road again
In a cold hotel room after the show

Unstrung Heroes

The world has gone mad or has always been so
Why else would it make sick souls it’s heroes
All through time  inevitably
The famous have gone down in history
But their fame  it seems  has been terribly maimed
With disease  misery  and life’s tragedy

Elvis’s Pelvis was long acclaimed
Yet he died overdosed on drugs
Fat  weak and lame

Marilyn Monroe was legendary
For her lips  her breasts and her imagery
Drowned in a pool her life rather brief
Unable to cope with her pain and her grief

Lennon  Morrison  Hendrix and Joplin
With drugs and booze  left their minds quiet fried
Never the less they are valued and prized
Their lives quite seriously eulogized

Considered poetic greats of their day
Still their lives turned out to be rather gray
As Ann Sexton and Sylvia Plath
Left suicide in their aftermath

Clinton and Nixon and Kennedy
Whose personal lives were far from free
Of disease and corruption
Left a trail of destruction
As they lied to us all and one  “Never Inhaled”
All got off scot free when they should have been jailed
For murder or adultery,
But as President
“These laws don’t apply to me”

One of the sickest crimes of the day
Was when Simpson blew his own wife away
But because he was athletic and good with a ball
The world let him off
Because after all
His life should be free of punishment
Because “All Star Players” are always exempt

Sometimes I think I must be living in Hell
An asylum of absurdity is the place that I dwell
To be sentenced to earth as the place of my birth
Where the crazier one is the more valued his worth

Are we really such fools to allow the race
To put these kinds of people in the realm of first place
To guide lead direct and be idolized
People whose lives really should be despised
We vote them in, put them up on the wall
We cheer and we clamor
Make them King of the Hall

Are Earth’s souls so lost they must follow the lost
To death, to Hell and Oblivion
Isn’t there anyone whose memory lives on
Are their truly no saints or souls worthy
Of our praise and our votes and honest glory

Ode to Tattoos

Once handsome men are now freaks
Women a side show at the circus
It has become the trend
Putting  permanent life marks on flesh

Once a birthmark was thought a curse from God
Especially in visible places
Now young and old enjoy marring their body
With ugly designs

Once hidden in some secret place
Now they force us to witness their masochistic acts
Purplish blue black and indigo colors
Blur the beauty God gave them

Once thought extreme
Now they parade their anti-social behavior
Like a badge on arms and legs
An art exhibition we didn’t choose to attend

Some say their tatts mean something
A tribute to someone
Some say they are sensitive souls
Expressing themselves

I beg to differ
Anyone who consciously chooses
To hurt themselves for attention
Doesn’t care if they offend
Is not someone I choose to know

Face Book Follies

Let it all hang out
Give every sorted detail of your personal life
Nothing sacred
Make political stands that alienate your friends
Your family
Divide the country with political rants
Hide behind a screen spewing venom
Cause division
Abuse family and friends
Show off vices, drinking, tatts, dark sides of character
Threaten and bully
Cause someone to commit suicide
with cruel words
Cat fish and lie
Stalk and spy
Gross people out with obscene
Pictures of man’s cruelty
To animals
Or each other
Use filth and foul
Sociopaths on the prowl
Definitely the wrong ways to use face book
Face book
Friend or foe
You decide

Epilogue For The Homeless

The homeless are great
They Manipulate
Playing victim and preying on good Christian hearts
The con their game

They use different disguises
And different faces
One man who is always out there has many
Sometimes a goatee
Sometimes a long beard
Sometimes a hat
Sometimes just looks weird
He stands on the median
Always a forlorn face
 looking down
He should get an academy award
for acting

They have different signs
Preferably scrawled on cardboard is a good technique
One I saw said 
Please anything will help
I called her on it as she as she got on her hidden bike
One sign said
I used to have a life once
I decided to talk to her about it
Same old sob story
Sores all over her face
Wasn’t going to admit she was a meth addict
Another sign said
I used to be somebody
Well she’s still somebody
Somebody on the streets
Another sign
Will work for food
Four restaurants hiring on the same street
Homeless and Hungry
Anything will help
When you give them food they’re disappointed

One man made a much better living begging
A cab driver told me they often make $200 a day
A better wage than his fifteen an hour plus tips

It’s lucrative
I’ve interviewed a few to see
How they ended up on the streets
Ran away because my mother was a drug addict
Or her husband was sexually abusing me
Husband was an alcoholic
All pretty legit reasons
Sometimes tragic
Sometimes real
Usually not
It’s the lazy man’s profession

Some like it
They don’t mind the vagabond life
Enjoy the gypsy life riding the rails
They’ve made their own bed
Don’t mind sleeping in a bag on the streets
It’s just like camping
Much easier than taking care of a house
All that responsibility
They like the simple life
Most take your money for alcohol and drugs
They don’t really want food
Don’t be fooled and feel too sorry for these
Sometimes these “Victims” are victimizing

Zero Population Growth

Some people believe in quality
Not quantity
Unlike California who adds a new million each year
Or India
Teeming with life
Cremation at the Ganges
Recycling life into another reincarnation
Or China
Population grew so large the government forced contraception
Only one for a while
Only two in the country
A boy valued more than a girl
Infanticide of females became too common

Today freeways buzz like bees twenty four seven
Traffic stopping like clogged arteries at rush hours
New lanes and new structures line them with commerce
Urban sprawl leaving no room
For pastures for cows
Meadows for Meadow Larks
Or clean air to breathe

Back in the seventies there was a push
Only two children per couple
The world then was three billion
Now fifty years later the world population bulges
More than double
Humanity has not taken the idea seriously
Responsibility with the life force
An afterthought

When does the earth reach
“The fullness of it’s Creation”
Does that mean humanity is the only life form left

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