A Message for Millennials
If you were going to have a conversation with Millennials what would you say? My husband posed the question:
If you were going to have a conversation with Millennials what would you say? My husband posed the question:
What do you see as your place on the planet?
And where do you see yourselves in ten years?
And where do you see yourselves in ten years?
Millennials seem to be missing some very important insights about the world today.
They have been educated to show
tolerance for everyone (except those with conservative values) and have not been taught ethical behavior, manners
and an awareness of their actions. They think it’s important to protest about
global warming and yet leave terrible messes after their protests. They can’t
seem to see the hypocrisy in so many of their actions and causes. Too often
they don’t seem to understand the reasons they are protesting. Their thinking
processes don’t seem to go that far and don’t see how counter intuitive and self
defeating some of these protests could be for them if they had to experience
the consequences of those protests.They haven’t experienced enough about life
and the difficulties and history in the world to understand all they have been
given. Too many seem to think the world owes them a living without them doing much
and they have been taught that by parents who indulged whatever they wanted to
do and weren’t good at setting boundaries.
They say they don’t want to be
called “Snow Flakes” any more but are some of the worst name callers to those
that don’t see things the same way they do. They have been babied and coddled
their whole lives and not allowed to understand winning and losing. When
college students need coloring books and play dough when things don’t go their
way, there is something wrong with this picture. They have not seen the
aftermath or the horrors of WWII, thankfully, but don’t seem to have any understanding of the
freedoms the world was fighting for and the horrific evil of that war. They
seem to be willing to give up their freedoms. That is because they haven’t
experienced what it is like not to have freedom.
The biggest observation I would have
about too many millennials is that they lack substance, intelligence, and
sensitivity to others. They parade their tatts around like some kind of badge
but could care less if they are offensive to many people who don’t enjoy
looking at them but are forced to anyway. Attention is the only thing they
seem to want.They are often very narcissistic and don’t care what anyone thinks
and that their own opinions are the only right opinions. Their masochistic
behavior is concerning as well.Why are they hurting themselves for attention by putting tatts all over themselves? For some it is an addiction and they cover their entire body with them. They
don’t seem to understand their masochistic behavior or boundaries or borders of any kind.
They are big on equal rights but
the sad thing is that too many of them don’t believe there are two sexes and
think it’s fine to make girls boys and boys girls which is not the natural
order of nature. That kind of thinking is offensive to many people.They have been manipulated by liberal thinking in their educations and it
has really hurt them.They don’t seem to have any morals or values.Anything
goes and there is no right or wrong is the norm among too many millennials. In fact they
don’t seem to understand right or wrong because too many haven’t been taught
what is right or wrong. Media is too blame for much of their dysfunction
because they have been raised by television and dysfunctional families with few
morals as the norm.They try to rationalize that right is wrong and wrong is
right. Another question for millennials is who are they serving and what are
their goals?
They haven’t been taught what the
word respect means and they don’t seem to have any respect for anyone including themselves. They are disrespectful to others
on every topic and the only true concern they seem to have is about “global
warming”. Again they have been manipulated in their education by liberals.They
need to read more books about history and need to understand and incorporate
more ethics and morals in their thinking.Too many have given up God and organized religion but they haven’t replaced it with anything healthy nor with
strong values and morals.
There seems to be a high suicide
rate and addiction problems for many millennials and yet they are killing
themselves for strange and unimportant reasons.Too many don’t seem to have
strong coping skills or understand healthy ways to solve their problems.
If millennials truly care about the world, they need to show
it in grown up and mature ways, not narcissistic shallow ways.They need to become more aware
of the world and other people and not think the world revolves around them.
They need to get more depth and a greater understanding of history. They need
to think on much deeper levels about the repercussions of their actions. One of
the biggest things is they need to THINK before they go around protesting
things that could only hurt society and this country. Time for millennials to
truly grow up and stop joining a losing and dangerous political trend.
“If you have lost your way in today’s world. Check out this
book. “Spiritual Help In an Ailing World” Ann Hughes Amazon to find peace, meaning, hope
and healing again.